Tallinn Craft Beer Tour

Topic – The Craft Beer revolution has hit also Estonia. For over a decade now craft beers have been modelling the drinking culture in Estonia. Numerous smaller and larger domestic craft beer companies are giving a tough competition to our two large industrial beer companies, so that they even had to enlarge their beer production assortment with their own IPA-s and some other common craft beer labels.

Obviously the taste and production of craft beers varies by region, because one of the main components – water, will always be local. So how does taste a typical Estonian craft beer, and what are the tendencies in the local craft beer scene? Well, this Tallinn Craft Beer tour gives you a prefect opportunity to take a glimpse into surprisingly vivid scene of local craft beers. You’ll have around 3 to 4 craft beer stops, and tastings of 5 to 7 different beers, combined with strolls on historical cobblestone streets of Tallinn Old Town or/and in the city centre.

Concerning the tour – this tailored craft beer tour combines personalised city tour with various typical for the region beer stops. This walking tour includes strolls in Tallinn Old Town or/and also at the neighbouring Kalamaja and Rotermann Quarters, and gives you a chance to experience the smells, flavours and stories of Estonian cuisine. You’ll also learn some about the history of Estonian drinking culture and how tastes and drinks have changed over the years. You will also get to see some of the most beautiful parts of the Old Town and city centre, and hear exciting stories about Estonian history and the country today. 

What’s included, when and at what cost:

  • 3~4 beer & snack stops with tour route in Tallinn Old Town or/and Kalamaja & Rotermann quarters
  • drink stops are based on selection of local traditional and modern craft beers 
  • some snacks suitable for the drink menu while representing also modern Estonian cuisine
  • stroll & guiding & hosting by our local English-speaking guide*
  • tour length is about 3 hours (with 3 stops ca 2 hours)
  • tour is available year round according to request
  • minimum 4, but optimum from 8 to 20 persons* at time
  • 3h tour price range is from €90 to €70 & 2h tour from €65 to €50 per person / depending on the number of participants per tour

*With larger groups please contact us for a tailored offer.
*For private food tours in other languages than English please contact us, and we’ll let you know what can we offer for you.